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Bowmen (ETW Unit)

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Bowmen (ETW Unit)
Native bowmen.png
Class Skirmishers
Unit Size 80 men
Weaponry Tomahawks and bows
Melee Attack
Ranged Attack
Charge Bonus
Region The Americas
Recruitment Cost 440
Upkeep Cost 110
Turns to Build
Unit Limit
Building Requirements Hunting Grounds
Technology Requirements None
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Can hide in light scrub
  • Can hide in long grass
  • Can hide in buildings
  • Remains hidden while walking
  • Resistant to heat

  • Native bowmen thmb.pngA bow-armed force capable of long range, almost-silent, attacks.


    The bow is a tool as well as a weapon, used for providing food and defending the tribe. In the time it takes a musketeer to fire and reload, a skilled bowman can loose several arrows making them formidable enemies. Tribesmen hone their skills daily, hunting to provide food for their families and furs for trade with Europeans.

    The materials used to make a bow vary from tribe to tribe. Some are made from wood, others from the horn of elks or mountain sheep. Bowstrings are sinew or rawhide but, in an example of using whatever is to hand, the Dakotas are reputed to use the necks of snapping turtles!


    Bowmen are versatile units, boasting the ability to hide when immobile, high firepower, the ability to skirmish, and good maneuverability. If they do get caught in a melee, bowmen are inferior to line infantry, although they can still manage to hold their own for some time. Bowmen are formidable foes that should not be underestimated; a single bowmen regiment can kill dozens of infantry within seconds, and all at a long range.


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