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User35342 pic14238 1239076048.png


Badges/Roles:Former Civitate, Former Content Writer, Former Local Moderator
Patron of:Nikos, JP226, Phier

Total War games owned

Box Art Type
Romebox.jpg Rome: Total War
RTWBIBA.JPG Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion
Rome - Total War - Alexander Coverart.png Rome: Total War Alexander
M2TWBA.jpg Medieval II: Total War
M2TWKBA.jpg Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms
Empire Total War cover art.jpg Empire: Total War
Napoleon-total-war-box-artwork-big.jpg Napoleon: Total War


Award Type Reason
Quillbiggold.png Scribe's Quill Awarded for time served as Content Staff for a period of one year to one year and five months. Received on Oct 16 2009.
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