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A Citizen is a user who has undergone citizenship, an award granted by the Curia for contributing to the site and community of Total War Center. Its minimum requirements are 50 posts, no formal warnings from Moderation for six months prior, and forum membership for at least two months.

Citizenship confers a badge, a username color, custom titles, the ability to post in the Curia and vote in its affairs (including patronizing other citizens or nominating users for other Curial Awards) and the ability to vote for Curial Officers. Users are not obliged to be citizens to join Staff nor are citizens obliged to participate in the Curia in general if they do not wish to.

The role of citizens, the Curia and all related function is defined by the Constitution.

Becoming a Citizen

Provided they fit the requirements, citizens can be patronized by existing citizens and put forward for Curia vote. The patron will present the background of the nominated user; what they've done and added to the site, their participation history, an obligatory but random cute pet photo. A 60% support ratio is required to pass. If successful, the applicant may apply for their desired badge via user settings.

If you haven't been reached out to but think you would fit the bill, feel free to reach out to an existing citizen and see if they're willing to patronize you.

Once citizen for three months, a new citizen may patronize users of their own and run for curial office. They may vote and participate in the Curia immediately upon citizenship.


The three badges are different in background and implication, but carry equal right to post and participate in the Curia. Citizens may choose the one that suits their activity best.

Badge Description
Troy Citizen.png The general badge of citizenship.
Troy Artifex.png Citizenship based on merit as a modder.
Troy Civitate.png The original badge, which was based on merit in debate or participation in the Non-TW sections of the site.

Additional Information

Citizenship is not an active role demanding further contribution, or necessarily held to higher standards. However, Citizens are expected to follow the Terms of Service and will lose the badge/Curia posting for the time they have an active infraction. There is a process called Ostrakon, a rare process available should the body of Citizens declare someone 'unfit' for citizenship.

Some Citizens retain an interest in an old tradition related to this process, the Houses of TWC. It is a way to trace the lineage of who patronized who back to early days of the site.


Main Article: Patrician
Badge Description
Troy Patrician.png The Patrician badge is available for those that have received major awards by the Curia or who have served as Administrators.

Patrician automatically confers citizenship, though the citizenship can be refused.

See Also

Total War Center Information: The Total War Center | Terms of Service | FAQ
TWC Staff Hexagon Council | Content Staff | Moderation Staff | Technical Staff | Tribunes
Content Areas The Writers' Study | The Graphics Workshop | The Eagle Standard | Gamer's Gazette | The Helios | The Scriptorium | TWC News
Medals and Awards Curia Awards (The Curia) | Hexagon Council Awards | Site Service Awards | Special Contribution Awards | Members' Awards | Contest Awards | Citizenship
History of TWC History of the Syntagma | Triumvirates on TWC | Gaming Staff | Modding Staff | Curial Officers | Personal Perspectives
Other TWC Information: Mod Register | TWC Downloads | User Badges | Forum Overviews | TWC Blogs | TWC Discord
Other Wiki Sections: Total War Series | Total War Mods | Modding Portal | TWC Wiki

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