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IWTE - Rome Remastered Functions

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Rome:Total War & Remastered - Modding Index

IWTE main page

Useful Reference:

Article about IWTE functions used for Total War: Rome Remastered - Modding for version IWTE_v21_07_A onwards, and Rome Remastered from version 2.0.2 onwards.

  • IWTE download here - please use the latest version, early versions do not have this functionality.

Campaign Mesh Generation

IWTE will now produce .cas components and textures for a Rome Remastered campaign map mesh, download IWTE here.

An example mod showing the vanilla map with regenerated mesh and textures can be found on Steam here.

The basic textures, task files and folder structure set-up made to create that map mesh can be found here

To utilise the batch .tga to .dds conversion task files included in the above set-up folder, download the texconv tool found here and place the .exe in the same folder as IWTE.exe

Alternative methods of generating a mesh are possible, including Feral's tool for sectioning and converting a mesh created in Blender see here

Details of the components required and where they should be placed can be found in Creating New Campaign Map in Rome Remastered

Task File Launch (includes textures)

The task file allows certain components to be switched on or off. If you have a very large/complex mod you may find certain components exceed the 65K limit that can be written to a single .cas, if so you can turn off generation of the problem element e.g. coastline, to get the other components out.

Textures are currently generated as 2048x2048 .tga files. These will need to be converted to .dds files for use in game, we recommend NOT including mip-maps for the Albedo textures to avoid blurring at lower in-game graphics settings.

A full task file for mesh, components and texture generation is shown below, obviously change the paths to where your files are located! Anything after # is a comment:

<task_id>                             create_map_pieces                         

<directory_out>                      "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\output"                            #directory where all created files be put
<directory_out_increment>             no                                                        #yes or no whether to increment the directory name (default is yes to prevent accidental overwriting)

#switch options Please note texttures take a long time to create and will take a lot of memory.
<map_pieces_longest_dimension>        13                                                          #at the moment square tiles only will be produced
<create_albedo_textures>        yes                                                                 #albedo textures are to be produced.. Warning, slow takes several minutes.
<create_normal_textures>        yes                                                                #albedo textures are to be produced.. Warning, slow takes several minutes.
<create_full_dae>               yes                                                                #albedo textures are to be produced.. Warning, slow takes several minutes.
<create_river_mesh_cas>         yes                                                                #create the river mesh cas file
<create_coastline_cas>          yes                                                                #create coastline cas file
<create_pieces_cas>             yes                                                                #create piece cas files

<slope_darken_factor>             0.95                                                              #higher value increases slope darkening/greying
<normals_multiplier>             10                                                             #higher value increases normals intensity
<tint_factor>                     0.3                                                             #0 to 1 ratio for tints v textures

#Main map files to use.
<map_heights_tga>                    "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\map-files\map_heights.tga"         
<map_regions_tga>                    "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\map-files\map_regions.tga"         
<map_ground_types_tga>               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\map-files\map_ground_types.tga"     
<map_climates_tga>                   "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\map-files\map_climates.tga" 
<map_features_tga>                   "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\map-files\map_features.tga" 

#default groundtype TGAs
<default_fertility_low>                "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\fertility_low.tga"
<default_fertility_medium>             "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\fertility_medium.tga"
<default_fertility_high>               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\fertility_high.tga"
<default_wilderness>                 "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\wilderness.tga"
<default_mountains_high>             "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\mountains_high.tga"
<default_mountains_low>              "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\mountains_low.tga"
<default_hills>                      "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\hills.tga"
<default_forest_dense>               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\forest_dense.tga"
<default_forest_sparse>              "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\forest_sparse.tga"
<default_swamp>                      "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\swamp.tga"
<default_ocean>                      "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\sea.tga"
<default_sea_deep>                   "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\sea.tga"
<default_sea_shallow>                "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\sea.tga"
<default_beach>                      "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\default_climate\beach.tga"

#directory paths containing the TGA data for each climate missing ones will use default - names within the diectory must match default names in the tags above
<mediterranean_gt_dir>                       "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\med"			#236 0 140
<sandy_desert_gt_dir>                        "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\sandy_desert"	#102 45 145
<rocky_desert_gt_dir>                        "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\rocky_desert"	#146 39 143
<temperate_grassland_fertile_gt_dir>         "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\fertile"		#237 20 91 (unused1 in M2)
<temperate_grassland_infertile_gt_dir>       "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\infertile"		#237 28 36 (steppe in M2)
<temperate_forest_open_gt_dir>               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\open"		#242 101 34 (temperate_deciduous_forest in M2)
<temperate_forest_deep_gt_dir>               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\deep"		#247 148 29 (temperate_coniferous_forest in M2)
<swamp_gt_dir>                               "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\swamp"		#255 242 0 (unused2 in M2)
<highland_gt_dir>                            "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\highland"		#141 198 63
<alpine_gt_dir>                              "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\alpine"		#57 181 74
<sub_arctic_gt_dir>                          "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\artic" 		#0 166 81
<semi_arid_gt_dir>                           "C:\IWTE\MapMesh\base-textures\semi_arid"		#0 114 188

#climate tints - choose from the combinations arid, warm_dry, warm_humid, cold_humid, polar, winter
<default_tint>                            warm_humid
<mediterranean_tint>                      warm_dry                                                                                     
<sandy_desert_tint>                       arid                                                   
<rocky_desert_tint>                       arid                                                 
<temperate_grassland_fertile_tint>        warm_humid                                             
<temperate_grassland_infertile_tint>      warm_dry                                               
<temperate_forest_open_tint>              warm_humid                                              
<temperate_forest_deep_tint>              cold_humid                                            
<swamp_tint>                              warm_humid                                           
<highland_tint>                           cold_humid                                             
<alpine_tint>                             warm_humid                                                   
<sub_arctic_tint>                         polar                                                       
<semi_arid_tint>                          warm_dry     


This sets the number of tiles the longest side of map_regions.tga will be split into, the number of tiles on the short dimension will be determined automatically so the tiles are square. The optimal number of pieces a map can be split into will vary with the size and shape of the map and the amount of detail, in terms of closely spaced shore lines and mountain ranges. Trying to have large mesh pieces on a complex map is likely to exceed the number of polys that can be written to one .cas file.

The vanilla map has 104 tiles in a grid of 13x8 20m squares, we've generated a mesh for the Mundus Magnus map with similar proportions to a grid of 13x8 30m squares, as that seems to work well for a default, the default value is to use 13 squares wide, and the number of squares vertically is calculated from that.

The game requires all map mesh pieces to be the same size (or it messes up the heightmap bin files), whilst they could technically be rectangular, IWTE enforces square tiles so they tie up with square dds texture files. For certain size and shape of maps this may mean you get a large border area on the right-hand side or top of the map.

Switch Options

To get a working map mesh in game you will need all the components except the full_dae. The .dae file is provided solely for information so you can view the mesh of all your .cas pieces by importing to Blender. It is unlikely to be practical to edit the mesh in one file like this, and IWTE does not provide a method for exporting changes to it back into .cas format, unless you export individual tiles to .dae and convert to .cas.

If your IWTE run falls over with a can't put ubyte type message it probably means the component it was trying to write has exceeded the 65k poly .cas limit. In this case you may want to turn off production of the offending component, e.g. coastline, while you test the other components in game and trouble-shoot.


IWTE applies a % of tint based on some pre-set tint scales that vary with the height of the mesh. This helps to blend in textures and accentuate contour lines on the map. Adjust this factor to use more or less of the tint values. The tint type to use per climate is set in the bottom section shown under #climate tints. Arid should be used for desert type schemes, the tints then get progressively greener, bluer then grey for winter (to avoid tinting snow textures)

Main map files to use

These should be similar to the map files your mod actually uses in data/world/maps/base or campaign.

map_regions and map_features MUST be the same size as your actual files!

map_heights, map_ground_types and map_climates can be either 2x map regions size +1 pixel (i.e. as used in game) or 4x map regions size +1 pixel - please note this is 1 pixel different from just doubling the scale of the in-game tga files! Also note there is no point using the large scale unless you are going to refine them to utilise the higher density, increasing the size without refining them will result in a worse result than letting IWTE interpolate between values.

map_heights, ground_types and climates can contain different content than your actual in game files if you want to achieve particular visual effects - don't overdo this unless you want to give your players a nasty surprise when they arrive at the battlemaps generated from the in-game files.

Default groundtype TGAs

IWTE requires a default groundtype texture for each groundtype, you can if you wish use the same texture for everything. These will be used for the specified ground type in all climates unless an alternative texture is found in the climate folder.


You need to supply a folder name for each climate's gt_dir (groundtype directory) - the folder must exist, but can be empty, you can also direct multiple climates to the same folder.

Textures within the climate groundtype directory folders must use the full correct name of the default groundtype they are meant to replace. e.g. sea_deep.tga would be needed to replace sea_deep for that climate, even if the default file is just using sea.tga or fred.tga or whatever...

Using button to launch (no textures or options)

You can generate a basic mesh from your base folder map_*.tga files use the "Rome Remastered" button in the top menu bar,then "Create Map Mesh", select the folder that contains your:

  • map_regions.tga
  • map_heights.tga
  • map_ground_types.tga
  • map_climates.tga
  • map_features.tga

Then select any existing folder for output. Now wait a while... if all goes well you'll have a set of mesh piece .cas files to be used in game.

Getting the files in game

Please see Creating New Campaign Map in Rome Remastered for details of the required file structure.

You will need a copy of descr_map_tiles.txt with names and paths for all the pieces and textures your map uses.

Unit Models (including 2 bone weighting)

See main article IWTE - Units in Blender (RTW)

The process shown for import/export of RTW units will also work for Rome Remastered, IWTE will now support the weighting of one vert to two bones throughout the body (not weapon) sections of cas models as used for the _lod0 versions of RR units. You will need to 'limit_weights' in Blender/Max to make _lod1 and below versions which only use single bone weighting. IWTE does NOT automate the process of making lower lods.

Texture Conversion

Some of the Remastered textures, e.g. the campaign map tile textures are compressed using LZ4 - IWTE will decompress these to readable format. Use the "Rome Remastered" button and then "DDS Extraction" button, select the folder where your compressed textures are, then select the folder you want the new ones saved to.

You can also use a task file instead of selecting folders, an example would be:

<task_id>                             rrdds_extract_to_dds_directory                           # 
<directory_in>      "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War ROME REMASTERED\Contents\Resources\Data\data\terrain\campaign\textures\026" 
<directory_out>     "C:\RomeRemastered\textures\new026"
#<all_subdirectories> yes
#<directory_out_increment>    no                      #yes or no whether to increment the directory name (default is yes)

Remove the comment if you want to use <all_subdirectories> - note though that if files in the subdirectories have the same names they will just overwrite each other!

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