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Also known as Budgie; Pigeon Pope; Diomod

Badges/Roles:Citizen; Magistrate; Content Staff
Patron:Rarity; Dark Storm (Ante-Patron)
Patron of:Adamat


Diamat is an established member of TWC, recognizable due to his Saxon pride, communist past and love of forumite artifice and pomp. He is a regular in Thema Devia and is well-known there for frequently sparking or becoming involved in debate, a rather novel phenomenon in that area. He is fairly older than many Devians and probably the most academically accomplished. Aside from time spent being silly in Thema Devia, he sometimes debates in certain areas of the Discussion and Debate fora.

After naming himself "Pope of the Church of Meloncat" some time in Spring 2012, the title "Pigeon-Pope" was granted to him by a Devian. Since then - and despite Diamat's attempts to make clear that he is in fact a budgie - the pigeon sobriquet has endured.


Having joined the site in April 2010, it's only really in early 2012 that Diamat emerged in the community, namely when he became involved in the "Devian Monarchy" and changed his name from Admiral_TvS, adopting his iconic current avatar. Since then he has participated in a myriad of ventures, from rep-whoring to modding (creating a successful submod for Darthmod Napoleon, focusing on Saxony), role-playing, a stillborn Potato Competition, a cooking thread, image editing and the creation of Dolan-style TWC comics. He was patronized by Dark Storm and awarded with citizenship on August 12th by a unanimous vote of the council. Shortly after, he joined the Silver Shield content team. He emerged from the Scriptorium Summer Writing Competition with a silver award.

He conducted an interview with the owner of the site, GrnEyedDvl, as a Silver Shield Special Edition release. It was published on December 2nd, 2012.

Subsequently, Diamat ventured into forum politics, running a successful campaign for election to the Consilium de Civitate. After his first term, he was reelected by the citizenry and also served as Assistant Curator under Aikanar. However, in the course of his service, he became somewhat dissatisfied with CdeC as an institution, demanding reform. Partially as a result, he resigned his seat at the completion of his second term.

During this tumultuous time of forum politics, Diamat also switched houses, joining the Line of Thor on May 25, 2013. He was adopted by Rarity, who is now his official patron, though he will always consider Dark Storm his "dear ante-patron."

When Aikanar had to resign his office due to real life reasons in April of 2013, he and Diamat were accidentally erased from the Total War Center database by Poach, who was merely trying to remove both from the "Curator usergroup." The accident occurred largely because some of the old safeguards that existed before the forum upgrade to the new vbulletin were not yet put in place. In the end, GED, the site owner, managed to recover both accounts, despite the permanent loss of all private messages, visitor messages, groups, or reputation count associated with those accounts. To this day, the April 2013 Incident is remembered, giving those who experienced it a good laugh. Diamat himself has incorporated the incident into his forumplay stockpile, mockingly denoting it as an Anglo-Saxon attempt to remove Germans from TWC politics, or, alternatively, as a plot by Lemoncat, the devil of the Meloncat faith, to topple the Avian Alliance and the Holy Church of Meloncat.

External Links

  1. TWC Profile
  2. Saxony Overhaul Submod
  3. Diamat's Cooking Thread

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