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Revision as of 06:00, 13 September 2018 by Makanyane (talk | contribs) (gaming added (removed Loose Cannon as isn't showing gaming group now))
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TWC Staff are in charge of running various parts of the site. They currently fall into five categories: Hex, moderation, content, gaming and technical.

The Staff of Total War Center

Hexagon Council (Administration)


Technical Staff


Content Staff

Content Artists

The Critic's Quill & Writers' Study

The Eagle Standard

The Gamer's Gazette

The Helios

The News Team

The Picture & Video Competitions

  • Positions Vacant

The Scriptorium

  • Chief Librarian: Position Vacant

The Podcast & Multimedia Hub

The TWC Facebook Team

The TWC Twitter Team

The TWC Wiki Team

The University

Gaming Staff

Play by Post RPGs

Total War Hotseats

Description of Roles

The Hexagon Council

The Hexagon Council (Hex) is made up of several administrators, generally between six and ten. (It was originally three admins and three senior mods, back in 2005, thus the name.) They serve the role that admins serve on most forums. Hex members are appointed by Hex and serve indefinitely. Although Hex members do specialize, there are no strict boundaries on which Hex members have authority where, and all of them are equal in a vote. Hex members all have (nearly-)full admin and moderator privileges, and can view basically all forums.

Hex members can act unilaterally when they think that they have Hex's support, but disagreement by any other Hex member can result in discussion or vote among Hex to resolve the dispute. Generally, a majority vote of Hex is enough to decide any issue on the site. However, Hex tries to operate by consensus and avoid votes if possible. If there seems to be fairly clear agreement, an issue will be deemed resolved without a vote, unless someone explicitly calls for one.

Hex normally contains at least one member from each staff branch, who serves to supervise that branch's day-to-day activities. It also contains the site owner, and any other miscellaneous individuals that Hex chooses to appoint.


Main Article: Moderation Staff

Moderators try to keep the site friendly and useful by enforcing the Terms of Service (ToS). Moderators can be assigned to particular forums or given global moderation rights. Some moderators are selected to be mentors, who (along with Hex) review the other moderators and make sure they're doing a good job. Moderators have a formal Moderator Resolution policy to change moderation policy, including the ToS.


Main Article: Content Staff

Content staff creates various official TWC publications, such as the Helios and Eagle Standard. There are various types of content staff, including content writers, content editors, the Scriptorium team, wiki editors, etc.


Main Article: Technical Staff

Technical staff makes sure that the site keeps running and handle some routine administrative tasks. Most tech staff have admin rights of some kind, sometimes more than typical Hex members, but they have to get permission from a Hex member to use it for anything non-routine.


Main Article: Gaming Staff

Gaming Staff are the branch of staff responsible for operating the several official TWC Gaming aspects of the website. This includes hotseats and the play-by-post RPG section.

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