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Helios Issues:Sixteen

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Issue Sixteen

This issue was published August 2007. Read the whole issue on TWC here

State of the political debate

The State of the political debate for this month covered as usual, a plethora of topics, such as Avarius Federalus's socialist outlook on the world, or the topic about Hannibals true race, and finally Seneca's thoughts that all opposition parties naturally self destruct.

Vestigia Vetustatis

As always the VV section has interesting debates about the past, what Ifs, etc. This edition is no different, with some of the most exciting topics on TWC being covered, such as Thermopylae, the greatest military victories in history, and a discussion on the atomic bomb.


Once again the Helios covers the Basement, where everything techie goes! Some of the many topics covered in this edition of the Helios was a discussion on video cards, and discussion on upgrading systems. There are of course, more discussions covered on the Basement in this edition of the Helios, you will just have to look for yourself!

Thema Devia

In this Helios Edition, some stickies are given links to and explained, such as the welcome thread and the youtube thread. As to actual Thema topic highlights, they covered the funny pictures thread, a thread about the demographics of twc, and a topic on your user number. Obviously there are more topics, but not all can be covered in this brief wiki article, you will just have to read this Helios edition for yourself, to read more!


In this Helios edition, Rzzza covers quite a few topics going on across the site. Some of the most interesting include, but are not limited to, a topic discussing Christian rock and another about the Bourne ultimatum.


The Athenaeum in this addition pays special attention to a thread posted by a member by the name of Jakren, he claimed the Evolution theory was throne into chaos due to recent discoveries. Apparently, two species once thought to be steps in our evolutionary chain, actually existed during the same time. To read the thread in more detail, obviously, you will have to follow the link above to the Helios.


The Coliseum section of the Helios in this edition pays special attention to a newly popular role playing game on TWC, by the name of Mafia. It is currently on its 3rd game, and has its own subsection, which can be found here.

Despatches from the Curia

This edition of Despatches from the Curia starts off by listing the newly re-elected CdeC members, which are as follows: Evariste, Wild Bill Kelso, Scorch, Belisarius and selenius4tsd. It goes on to state what bills have passed and failed, but the biggest one of note is of course the Consilium Belli, a bill which is essentially a semi-permanent advisory body to hex, it now has its own subforum, which may be found here. Other news of note is of course, the Vote of No Confidence in the Curator of the Curia, tBP, which eventually failed. Ozymandias, speaker of the house, was also re-elected. The resignation of Halie Satanus from Hex, also occurred. There are, as usual, a huge amount of things that went on in the Curia, all covered there. Again, you must follow the link to read in more detail.

TWC Wiki

Makanyane the previous wiki editor resigned this month, the topic can be found here. On the spotlight for the Wiki this month is a new mod by the name of Pro Deo Et Rege. Also, a new extensive article on the mod Ran No Jidai was given spotlight, you can also find the forum of the mod, here.

Return of page 3

After long discussion page 3 has returned. In this edition Imb39 sent in an image of a LionFish, while Thanatos sent in an image of a spider.


This edition of the Helios, surprisingly, only presents two Articles. The first, is an Article by OldGamer, about how he is proud to be an American. The second, is written by tBP on issues that effect lesbians. To read the Articles in full, just check out this Helios edition!

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