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England (M2TW Faction)

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England (M2TW Faction)
Faction Symbol for England
Name: Kingdom of England
From Game: Medieval II: Total War
Culture: Northern European

England is one of the 5 factions in Medieval 2 Total War that is playable from the beginning without having to be unlocked.


Having recently wrestled control of England from the Saxons, many would expect the conquering Normans to be somewhat spent and weakened. However, the new rulers of England have swiftly replaced and improved the taxation system so as to replenish their coffers in quick time. Most importantly, William the Conqueror came with the support of the Pope, as well as a mixed force of well-trained infantry, archers and heavy cavalry. England's new masters have a more modern approach to the art of warfare, and the will to utilise the country's rich resources to maximum effect.

The English court may now speak French, but the Normans certainly don't consider their new conquest a French territory. This independence in England, plus the proximity of Normandy to other lands the French monarchy consider their own, makes France an immediate and obvious threat to deal with. The ever stubborn Scottish also prevent the King of England from having uncontested control of the British Isles.

Though they presently face trouble on multiple fronts, the English are in a rather promising position. The Scots to the north are isolated from the rest of Europe, and should be easy to wear down without a strong ally from the mainland. The French royal forces are more than a match for the armies in Normandy, but they also have enough fronts to deal with right now that they are unlikely to be able to drive them from the continent anytime soon.


Boasts superb longbowmen and strong infantry.


Fields a poor variety of cavalry.


Starting Position

England's Starting Position.
  • London: English Capital; - South East England
  • Nottingham: English Castle; - Central England
  • Caen: English Castle; - Northern France

The English start with Southern and Central England under their control, as well as Normandy. This means they have to remain watchful of both the Scottish and the French. Additionally, they can expect the Danes to send invasion forces from sea at some point. They do have a few nearby rebel territories that they can expand to, including York, Caernarvon, and Rennes. Thier first priority should be to take the whole of Britian.

Campaign Objective

  • Long Campaign: Hold 45 regions, including: Jerusalem Province.
  • Short Campaign: Hold 15 regions and Eliminate Scotland & France

Starting Finances

  • Treasury: 10000
  • Kings Purse: 2500


English Generals Bodyguard.

England is a faction with a very strong and well rounded roster, with a definite archery focus. Their main missile units are all Longbowmen, excellent archers with long range, an armour-piericing attack, and the ability to deploy defensive stakes. Their infantry is also very strong as well. Their early choices are a little mediocre, as they lack access to a strong spear unit, but later on they get access to the excellent Armoured Swordsmen and Dismounted English Knights (armed with a 2 handed Poleaxe), as well as Billmen. Their cavalry is not the strongest but is pretty good; the unique English Knights they get have an armour piercing secondary attack, which makes them good in melee against other Knights. Thier militia units are fairly standard, and later on they get some Billmen units; with a high attack and low defense. After gunpowder is discovered the English get fairly standard artillery and have access to Arquebusiers. Overall, the English have an excellent roster which is more than a match for most.

Faction Details

If you have further detailed information on the faction, such as strategies, AARs, pictures, or history, please post it on the Faction Details page in a new sub-section so that this page can be kept clean of opinionated information.

England Details (M2TW Faction)

Medieval 2: Total War | Factions:
Aztecs | Byzantine Empire | Denmark | Egypt | England | France | Holy Roman Empire | Hungary | Milan | Mongols | Moors | Papal States | Poland | Portugal | Russia | Scotland | Sicily | Spain | Timurids | Turks | Venice | Rebels
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