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Content Staff

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Content Staff
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Current Staff: View Full List Here
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The Total War Center's Content Staff is responsible for writing articles and producing valuable content for the site in general. It is divided into several branches, each of which is presided over by a Content Director.

General Information

  • The full list of current staff can be viewed here. The Content Hex oversee the Content Directors who in turn organize their respective branches of Content. In order to join Content Staff, a member should send a private message to either a Content Hex or to one of the respective Content Directors. The current Content Hex are shown below:
  • Although Content Directors and Content Staff have different badges, they can be recognized by their blue names and same badge font color.
  • Service in Content Staff is rewarded with Scribe's Quills awards. After three to six months of service, a Content Staff Officer will gain a bronze Scribe's Quill. After seven to twelve months, a silver quill is awarded. Once a Content Staff Officer's time of service exceeds a year, a gold quill will be given to him. Late 2010 three additional awards were created for further service; services for a period of one year and six months to one year and eleven months earns an emerald quill, two years to two years and eleven months for a ruby quill, and lastly an amethyst quill is awarded for those who have served for periods greater then three years.
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List of Holders
List of Holders
List of Holders
List of Holders
List of Holders
List of Holders

The six different Scribe's Quills.

Reasons to Join

Joining the Content Staff on TWC provides members;

  • The opportunity to learn and to grow as a person.
  • The opportunity to work along with other great mates, with the hope to develop/improve skills such as teamwork and reciprocal support.
  • The opportunity to support the whole TWC community.
  • The opportunity to gain reputation and medals as a reward for your work in the Staff.

Content Director

The bosses of the Content Staff's respective branches. They supervise the Content Staff (Writers and Wiki Staff), Librarians and Content Artists. A list of all Content Directors can be found part way down the forum leaders list here.

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Content Staff

Content Staff (Content Writers) are members who write articles for the Site Publications, produce front page announcements for the News Team, or regularly contribute to the TWC Wiki. The full list of the Content Staff can be found here.

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Content Art Staff

The Art Staff organizes the site's Graphics Workshop including graphical competitions. Art Staff Officers also create official medals, logos, badges and symbols for TWC.

Eagle Standard

Articles and reviews relating to Total War games and mods are published by the Eagle Standard.

Gamer's Gazette

The Gamer's Gazette does what the Eagle Standard does, but for non-Total War games and mods.

The Helios

Articles and reviews relating to history are published by the Helios.

News Team

News Staff post front page announcements and tweets.


Librarians look around the forums in search of good articles, worthy of submission to The Scriptorium. They discuss the functioning of the Library and administer the Scriptorium Writing Competitions.


The Wiki Team expand and update the TWC Wiki and encourage TWC members to participate in editing the Wiki.

Writers' Study and Critic's Quill

Writers' Study Staff run competitions in the Writers' Study and write articles relating to creative writing and AARs for the Critic's Quill.

Content Emeritus

Those who are Content Emeritus are former Content Staffers (usually former Content Directors) who have left office but are kept around in staff for advisory type roles.

List of Content Emeritus

Total War Center Information: The Total War Center | Terms of Service | FAQ
TWC Staff Hexagon Council | Content Staff | Moderation Staff | Technical Staff | Tribunes
Content Areas The Writers' Study | The Graphics Workshop | The Eagle Standard | Gamer's Gazette | The Helios | The Scriptorium | TWC News
Medals and Awards Curia Awards (The Curia) | Hexagon Council Awards | Site Service Awards | Special Contribution Awards | Members' Awards | Contest Awards | Citizenship
History of TWC History of the Syntagma | Triumvirates on TWC | Gaming Staff | Modding Staff | Curial Officers | Personal Perspectives
Other TWC Information: Mod Register | TWC Downloads | User Badges | Forum Overviews | TWC Blogs | TWC Discord
Other Wiki Sections: Total War Series | Total War Mods | Modding Portal | TWC Wiki

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