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Mod Register

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The Mod Register is a feature any mod on TWC can take advantage of to present an official summary of their project. It is most useful in identifying project membership and ownership, and declaring the usage rights of the modification. Other information such as version may not be updated after the initial request unless further updates are sent to Staff when the mod is updated or a member requests an update.

Usage rights are not enforceable outside of TWC, but are considered binding in the realms TWC directly oversees.

Each game has a Registry Catalogue which lists all the mods in the register. These can be found at the links below:

To add your mod to the register or request an alteration, contact Modding Hex: lolIsuck & Dismounted Feudal Knight

To raise attention to errors you may also report the entry and in the report, specify what is out of date and how it needs to be changed.


The TWC Modding Registry was founded through the Curia as a place where individuals and team modders could submit a form that specified the 'owners' of the mod (at least on the TWC forums), usage permissions and other information. The curial position for this was called the Modding Registrar. Responsibility was later transferred to the Hexagon Council, specifically the Modding Hex - though in less updated references the term Modding Registrar may still be used.

For a time responsibility shifted to Modding Staff, but went back to Modding Hex when the branch was disbanded.

The last Modding Registrar when it was a Curial position was Hader. In the days of administrator control it has come under a few sets of hands, but the longest/best known would be Gigantus.

External Links

Original discussion thread in the Curia

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TWC Staff Hexagon Council | Content Staff | Moderation Staff | Technical Staff | Tribunes
Content Areas The Writers' Study | The Graphics Workshop | The Eagle Standard | Gamer's Gazette | The Helios | The Scriptorium | TWC News
Medals and Awards Curia Awards (The Curia) | Hexagon Council Awards | Site Service Awards | Special Contribution Awards | Members' Awards | Contest Awards | Citizenship
History of TWC History of the Syntagma | Triumvirates on TWC | Gaming Staff | Modding Staff | Curial Officers | Personal Perspectives
Other TWC Information: Mod Register | TWC Downloads | User Badges | Forum Overviews | TWC Blogs | TWC Discord
Other Wiki Sections: Total War Series | Total War Mods | Modding Portal | TWC Wiki

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