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Britannia (RTW Faction)

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Britannia are one of the playable factions in Rome: Total War. They can be played after successfully completing a campaign as a Roman faction or if unlocked by modding / cheats.

Game Play

Gameplay with Britons is not very hard. They start isolated on Great Britainn and AI seems to never threaten these isles.

Starting Position

Britons start in modern UK , controling it totaly expect Ireland controlled by rebels. They are preety safe on island from any threat. They control few cities wich are:

LONDINIUM- Capital city, most develpoed on the south of island

DEVA- near Ireland ideal for naval trade with Ireland once it is captured

EUBRACEUM- deep inside Britonn and safe from any threat

SAMARBDORIVA- city on the coast of modern France, bordered by Gauls to the south east and Germans to the west. It is possible that it will be under threat from Gauls soon.

Win Conditions

SHORT CAMPAIGN: Hold 15 regions and outlast or destroy

LONG CAMPAIGN: Hold 50 regions including Rome


British units are barbaric with expection of great chariots wich include both meele and archers.

Unique Units

BRITISH CHARIOTS: There are two types of British chariots. Meele and ranged. Meele are great for cutting through enemy lines and have high attack but almost no defence wich means they are dead if they stop.

DRUIDS : Britons share this unit with Gauls. It can be recruited by building certain shrine. Druids use chanting to raise morale of nearby allied troops.

Strategy guides

Possible strategy with Britons is to expand into Gauls territoy and eliminate their threat while preparing for a war with Romans,


More about ancient British history can be seen here:


See Also

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