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Germania (RTW Faction)

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Germania General's Bodyguard.

Germania are one of the playable factions in Rome: Total War. They can be played after successfully completing a campaign as a Roman faction or if unlocked by modding / cheats.

Game Play

Germans start below Scandinavia. They are bordered by Gaul to the west and are close to the House of Julii to the south. Dacia will also soon be coming knocking on the doors from the east.

Starting Position

Germania in Africa

They start below Scandiniavia with several villages and towns under their control:






Win Conditions

LONG CAMPAIGN: Hold 50 provinces including Rome

SHORT CAMPAIGN:Hold 15 provinces and outlast or destroy Dacia and Scythia


Units are barbarian and include powerful infantry, the spear warband, slow but strong and the only barbarian unit able to form a phalanx, a more than adequate cavalry, including, at level three, the Gothic cavalry, which is really very good, and good long range Chosen archers. Axemen are also recruitable, which work well in hacking into enemy lines and causing a dent in their defences.

Your early army would include four or five spear warbands, a couple of axemen posted behind and just inside the outermost spears (to guard the flanks), a couple of barbarian cavalry (to guard the flanks and run down routing opponents) posted behind the axeman, and your general. Roll these guys into the enemy and watch them melt away.

A later full stack army would include 7 spears, three Chosen axemen (2 posted as above to guard the flanks and one behind the center of the line to prevent breaks and guard the archers), five Chosen archers in the center, four Gothic cavs (posted behind the Chosen axemen on the flanks) and your general. These guys will beat the best Roman army straight up. Be careful to protect the flanks, and when you have done that, loose the axemen and Gothic cavs behind enemy lines and chase down the routers.

Unique Units


Beserkers: Deadly infantry with huge pick like maces, huge morale and the ability to fall into a savage berserk rage, cutting down enemies in droves and becoming heroic and unable to rout.

Spear Warbands The only barbarian phalanx troops, they can form a phalanx with their pikes, making them a very useful unit for Germania

Screeching Women: Women with cleavers that have the Screech special ability, that lowers enemy morale and raises the morale of nearby troops. Recruitable by building shrine to Freya.

Gothic Cavalry: The best cavalry able to be recruited by the barbarians, they're well armoured and have great charge capabilities. They can be recruited by building a certain shrine.

Night Raiders: These troops are excellent in attack and defence and frighten enemy infantry near them. They have armour piercing axes.

Chosen Axemen Deadly Germanian two handed axemen they have the highest attack of any unit in the game and will absolutely shred just about anything with armour on.

Strategy guides

Possible strategy with Germanics is to expand into Gaul territory before being ready to conquer Italy. Also it is possible to conquer Britain before challenging Romans.

When I play as Germania I start off taking out Britain. Even if it is the short campaign mode. The reason for this is Britain is almost always going to do the same to you, so you might as well take advantage of the land and strategic potential of the island (It's a good staging point for gaul).

Now, you should never commit your entire force to one enemy when others are waiting for an opportunity to strike. And more so you should never open up two fronts at once if it is avoidable (Hitler learned that the hard way). So while you send armies from your cities closest to britain those that are further away should fortify their positions and capture rebel settlements in the area. Note: Dacia will probably attack you before you take britain, unless you make them allies first. However germania seems to have a harder time forging alliances than others. Anyways making enemies friends quickly is always a good strategy especially when it can by you time. After britania is taken care of make for dacia and loop around your new territories and head for.....

Greece, I know weird right? But if anyone who has played rome a bunch should already know that whoever controls the agean sea (or the golden circle as I call it) controlls most of the wealth in the game. Try and capture as many coastal cities as you can. Unfortuately most of them will be taken by the brutii already, so unless your ready for war with rome stick to ones that are owned by remaining thracians, macedonians, or greeks.

Something else I love to do with the germans, since they are so good at it, is setting up ambushes throughout gaul and germania. All of the germans foot soldiers are adept at hiding in the woods and will almost always suceed in ambushes, if you set up enough throughout the woods eventually even the romans will be cautious about just marching their troops into your lands.


More about German history can be seen here:


See Also

RTW Factions
Armenia | Britannia | Carthage | Dacia | Egypt | Gaul | Germania | Greek Cities | The House of Brutii | The House of Julii | The House of Scipii | Macedon | Numidia | Parthia | Pontus | Scythia | Seleucid Empire | Senate | Spain | Thrace | Rebels
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