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Curia Awards

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Curia Awards are Medals and Awards created by the Curia and granted by a Curia Vote. These awards are defined in the Constitution.

Medals and Awards

Large Awards

Large awards are granted for exceptional contributions to an area of the site and awardees may adopt Citizenship. Citizens who have a Novus, Opifex, Phalera or Asterix's Loincloth medal may also opt to display the Patrician badge. All large awards are accompanied by display usergroups which can change the colour of the members username. A large award is now displayed as a postbit icon greater than 40 pixels in both dimensions, originally the early large awards were displayed as badges that replaced the Citizen or staff badges.


Divus large.png
To achieve apotheosis, the nominee must have served as a Hexagon Council member (or previous equivalents), made a clear and distinguished contribution to the community, and provided exceptional service to TWC in their capacity as an administrator. Any former member of administration is eligible, but they cannot be nominated within three months of resigning. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a six month period. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen.

Members with the Divus medal who choose Divus as their main display group are identified with a teal username.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here.
  • For Divus holders with pages on the wiki see here.


Novus large.png
To qualify for the Novus award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the site in the capacity of a staff member. A current or former member of any branch of staff is eligible to receive the award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here.
  • For Novus holders with pages on the wiki see here.


Opifex large.png
To qualify for the Opifex award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the Total War sections of the forum, either by modding or other contributions related to the those sections. Any member is eligible to receive the Opifex award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.

  • For the full list of current holders see here.
  • For Opifex holders with pages on the wiki see here.


Phalera large.png
To qualify for the Phalera award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to any section of the forum not covered by Opifex. Any member is eligible to receive the Phalera award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.

  • For the full list of current holders see here.
  • For Phalera holders with pages on the wiki see here.

Asterix's Loincloth

Loincloth large rahl.png
To qualify for the Asterix Loincloth award, the nominee must have demonstrated purity of mind and spirit on TWC, in the pursuit of humour and good times for all members. Any member is eligible to receive the Asterix Loincloth award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here.
  • For Asterix's Loincloth holders with pages on the wiki see here.

Medium Awards

Curia Service Award

Curator large.png
To qualify for the Curial Service Award, the nominee must have served the Curia with distinction as a Citizen for at least six months.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here

Modding Service Award

Modding Service Award.png
To qualify for the Modding Service Award, the nominee must have participated within a workshop section with distinction over the span of 6 months or released a hosted modification.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here

Small Awards

Man Of The Hour Award

Man Of The Hour Award.png
Awarded by the Curia for a remarkable deed that benefited the TWC community.

  • Current holders of the award can be viewed here

Legio 501st Modder

Awarded by the Curia for one or more of the following: creating a detailed and original tutorial containing relevant media (screenshots, video, code snippets), releasing a minor mod involving at minimum a single modding section (units, scripting, mapping, animations, sounds, media) of work estimated to have taken more than 5 hours or a remarkable act that benefits TWC modding community.

LEGIO501bronze.png LEGIO501silver.png LEGIO501gold.png
List of Holders
List of Holders
List of Holders

Repealed or Superseded Awards

See Also: Consilium de Civitate Awards

Philosophers Robe

Members were awarded this medal by means of a Consilium de Civitates vote, and simple majority, for outstanding contributions to the common community. The medal was repealed in late 2007.

  • For past Philosophers Robe holders with pages on the wiki see here.

Senatorial Robe

Awarded to members who served as a member of the Consilium de Civitate for at least two terms within one year. The Senatorial robe was awarded instantly when a member of CdeC completed their second term.

  • For past Senatorial Robe holders with pages on the wiki see here.

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Content Areas The Writers' Study | The Graphics Workshop | The Eagle Standard | Gamer's Gazette | The Helios | The Scriptorium | TWC News
Medals and Awards Curia Awards (The Curia) | Hexagon Council Awards | Site Service Awards | Special Contribution Awards | Members' Awards | Contest Awards | Citizenship
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