Ottoman Empire (ETW Faction)
The Ottoman Empire has been a major power for several centuries already but at the beginning of the 18th century it is clearly in decline. Despite having made large territorial conquests in Eastern Europe, the advantage in technological achievements has disappeared. With the advent of the Renaissance and the failure of Ottoman forces to conquer Vienna, the Empire stands at a crossroads: crushing victory or humiliating defeat. However, if the Ottomans can make up the lack in technology and use their superior artillery to the best of its abilities, their might still be a place in history for them. To the north, the Russian Bear is stirring and modernising. This means that they may be a threat to Ottoman gains and the Ottoman protecterate of the Crimean Khanate. If the Russians get a port on the Black Sea, this will make them both rich and powerful. To the east, the Persian Empire is in decline and a cunning sultan could exploit their weakness and take territory in both Persia and in Afganistan.
While the decline of the Ottoman Empire is undoubtedly taking place, the country is still full of potential. Even now it still ranges from northern Africa over the Middle East and Anatolia up to the Balkans. While its troops might not have the most advanced equipment, they are certainly numerous. Therefore, a smart leader might be able to compensate the Empire's weaknesses and to lead it back to the path of victory. However, the Ottomans still have many demons to face until they can reclaim their place as the true rulers of the Middle East and the Balkans.