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Lithuania (M2TW:K Faction)

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Lithuania are a playable faction in the Teutonic Campaign in the Kingdoms expansion for Medieval II: Total War.

Starting Position

The Lithuanians start with much land, however they start out hostile to the Teutonic order and are somewhat surrounded.

Special Lithuanian Traits

Lithuanian Unique Buildings

Temple of Devias


Temple of Perkunas


Temple of Gilinthe


The Conversion

You will be asked to convert at turn 37 if you have under 5 regions and turn 67 definitively ( Can anyone confirm the turn??) . Converting will grant you armored special units, but remove you special units made from the old gods temples. It will remove your old priests and it will convert you cities to 75% cathoclicism

Victory Conditions and starting agents

Long : Hold 45 regions including Kiev , marienburg eliminate faction The Teutonic Order

Short Hold 35 regions including Kiev , Meinburg eliminate faction The Teutonic Order


Unit Summary

Lithuania have access to some good skirmishing troops such as javelinmen and mounted javelins. These are important units to use when fighting against the heavy units of some of the neighbouring factions such as those of the Teutonic Order. The Lithuanians also have skillful archers and mounted archers- another factor in defeating the strong Knights of the Teutonic Order. Although Lithuania have powerful and zealous light infantry and cavalry, most of their units tend to be lacking in defence, so the Lithuanians must rely on good ambushing tactics to be victorious.

Normal Units

Post-Conversion Units


You must quickly capture some of the nearby rebel villages in order to secure more land from the Mongols and Novgorod before they take them. Meanwhile you should drive some units towards some of the nearby Teutonic order settlements. Use a combination of ambushing and skirmishing tactics in battles and rely on the powerful offensive charges of the Lithuanian units in order to break enemy lines.

Links to AAR's and Guides

See Also

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