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*[[Houses of TWC]]
*[[Houses of TWC]]
==External Links==
===External Links===
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12 The Curia on TWC]
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12 The Curia on TWC]
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=86574 The Constitution on TWC]
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=86574 The Constitution on TWC]

Revision as of 10:00, 24 May 2021

The Curia is both a forum on Total War Center and an institution running since 2003. It originally housed the Civitiate class (the early citizens who were selected for their acumen and debate skills) and gave them a place for 'higher discussion'. Over time it came to elect staff positions, add countless influential modders via the new Artifex badge, elect an admin position and theoretically serve as the front line of accountability. Easily as early as 2005, there was a downwards spiral in faith for the Curia's purpose. If anyone has collected a coin for every declaration that the Curia is dead, pointless or horribly flawed since then, they would be very wealthy indeed.

Over many amendments and redrafts of the founding document (now called the Constitution), the Curia has since lost most of its power and responsibility. Today it elects two magistrates for the Tribunal, offers a selection of awards for both Curial and wider site contributions, votes in new citizens for its ranks and occasionally launches initiatives or serves as a think tank for site issues.

The Curia is governed by the Consul, who appoints two Censors for day-to-day management. The Consul has a wide range of moderation powers within the Curia forums, but is governed by the Constitution and upon abuse/neglect may be subject to a Vote of No Confidence by the citizenry. Citizens may remove one of their own via a process known as Ostraka, where a sufficient majority vote is needed to oust them. Otherwise there is notably reduced moderation in the Curia, especially regarding personal references. Handling minor breaches and general conduct is the Consul's responsibility; larger issues default to the site moderators or Hexagon Council that holds ultimate power over all aspects, including the Curia's decisions.

The Curia by Section

Excluding the Prothalamos, all Curia sections are restricted to citizen posting. Its heart, the Symposium is citizen exclusive for viewing as well. Most sections have a clearly defined purpose in the Curia's bureaucracy, and ensuring it runs smoothly is the duty of the Consul.


The 'home' forum with most of the below forums. It contains the Constitution, threads with extra curial information, a Townhall for citizen chat, and a few more threads to aid in its purpose. Below these pins are discussions about Curial topics, some more serious than others.


A citizens only discussion forum, present since the founding of the Curia itself. Originally made for citizens to hold 'higher discussion' in confidence. It is now an archive of those days and dedicated subforums for curial committees and juicy threads regarding site history. On occasion it holds discussions as well, but the gradual opening of the Curia has left it sparsely used even in favor of the 'main' section.

Quaestiones Perpetuae

Citizen applications are posted here and voted on by the citizenry.

Soon a reference for this will be linked.

Curia Vote

A forum where all subjects 'moved to vote' from the Prothalamos or regarding elections are put here, where the citizens vote (citizens alone). Simple majority decides most things, but refer to the constitution for specifics.

A subforum, the Tabularium exists to hold records of votes (pinned) and archive threads.


The Politia has changed with generations of how the Curia is managed. Previously held the Citizen's Triumvirate, citizen referrals, the offices for Praefects, and other historical content. Today it is the office of the Consul and appointed assistants, as well as their main contact with site administration.


This forum is structured to post a few types of thread: Decisions, Discussions, Amendments and Awards (not citizenship). Anyone on the site may post a thread following the general conventions that are set by previous example, and upon the support of three citizens it may be moved to vote upon thread creator's request. If the thread goes inactive for 28 days or is invalid, it may be archived by the Consul.

Previously there was a forum for non-citizen proposals working the same way the Proth does now called the Rostra. It contains four threads made consecutively in the same year by the same person and was never used again.

The forum was once in the "Curia Proper", but in the amendment to open it to non-citizens it was moved out to sit just below the main Curia.

Curial Commentary Thread

Located in the Questions and Suggestions subforum outside of the Curia and moderated by the admins. It lies outside the Consul's power.

A place for non-citizens to talk and yes, comment relating to the Curia. It has been used by citizens and non-citizens alike in lengthy discussions.

History of the Curia

See more: History of Total War Center

The Curia's history is deeply entwined with site leadership and member investment. Its chapters are lengthy and are in greater description via the above and the sublinks on the bottom, including its council the Consilium de Civitate, the Old Syntagma, the Houses of TWC and much more. In time this section should be expanded following the revival of the Head Historian position.


Throughout its existence the Curia has been a controversial subject. Even in its foundation there were those that opposed it, namely The Black Prince. Many have claimed the Curia is not an effective administrative body, that mob rule simply does not work on a forum, or that the Curia does not have the ability to undertake its goals. Under various Admins the Curia has struggled to define its place on the site, to what authority it should truly command. Under Ogre's Network the Curia's existence came up in various arguments, but the most pressing event was just before the sale of the site to Imb39, where the Curia was almost deleted. One major proponent of reforms to the Curia was Professor420; many others have left their marks as conservative advocates, critics, radicals, janitors and infamous members.

Curial Overhaul 66

In 2018 a joint proposition from the Hexagon Council spearheaded by Hader brought major changes to the Curia's layout. Its moderation was put under the Praefect, the Protholamos was opened and Hader himself oversaw this structure in three consecutive terms.

Further Simplification of the Curia

With the removal of the role of the Praefects and the cancellation of the Citizens referrals, the Curia has been further simplified in disciplinary protocols. Suspension of Citizenship upon site infraction is now automatic, and Citizenship can only be permanently removed by the means of an Ostrakon.

See Also

External Links

Total War Center Information: The Total War Center | Terms of Service | FAQ
TWC Staff Hexagon Council | Content Staff | Moderation Staff | Technical Staff | Tribunes
Content Areas The Writers' Study | The Graphics Workshop | The Eagle Standard | Gamer's Gazette | The Helios | The Scriptorium | TWC News
Medals and Awards Curia Awards (The Curia) | Hexagon Council Awards | Site Service Awards | Special Contribution Awards | Members' Awards | Contest Awards | Citizenship
History of TWC History of the Syntagma | Triumvirates on TWC | Gaming Staff | Modding Staff | Curial Officers | Personal Perspectives
Other TWC Information: Mod Register | TWC Downloads | User Badges | Forum Overviews | TWC Blogs | TWC Discord
Other Wiki Sections: Total War Series | Total War Mods | Modding Portal | TWC Wiki