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Great Britain (ETW Faction)

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Great Britain (ETW Faction)
Britain flag.jpg
Name: Great Britain
From Game: Empire: Total War
Culture: European

Great Britain is one of the 11 playable nations in Empire: Total War's Grand Campaign. It is also one of the major factions in the game.


The Kingdom of Great Britain is a proud faction with a long and admittedly proud history. Ever since William the Conqueror became the English Kingdom's first King, the kingdom has been playing a major role in European politics. The situation is no different in the 18th century, when the British Faction is stronger than it ever was. The British have united the islands of Ireland and Great Britain under their rule and the kingdom is currently going through a period of stability and prosperity. The sea poses an ideal defense against European land forces while the fabled Royal Navy ensures that no foreign ship gets too close to the British realm. Over the past few centuries, Great Britain has expanded considerably, establishing colonies all over the world. In the Caribbean, the British have conquered several islands while the 13 colonies in North America will prove to be a strong base for possible future conquests. Given the dominance and power of the British navy, even India doesn't seem too far away and could serve as a target for future expansions.

In conclusion, the kingdom of Great Britain is definitely a very powerful state which doesn't have to fear any other nation in the known world. However, the British have many enemies. Although the Spanish kingdom is currently in a decline, Spain still controls a huge colonial empire in the Americas which stands in the way of future British conquests. Spain might be weakened but it's still a powerful faction, with a multitude of strong alliances. On top of that, Great Britain's old rival France is at the height of its power. Continental Europe is dominated by the French and the Catholic kingdom doesn't hesitate to expand in North America as well. While the British navy is clearly superior to the French one, France's land army is powerful and might pose a serious threat to Britain. Even a French invasion of the British Isles might be in order in the future. Will the rising Britain be able to face its strong enemies and come out on top? Or have the British extended their lines too thinly?

Starting Position

Great Britain starts off with the British Isles and various colonies in America: Rupert's Land, the Bahamas and Jamaica. The 13 colonies are a British protectorate, but are not directly controlled. They can be made to join the British Empire by completing a specific mission given by them. Hannover, Austria, the United Provinces and Portugal are all allies of Great Britain, with France and Spain being potential enemies.

King William III is currently sitting the British throne.

Victory Conditions

Short Campaign

Capture and hold 25 regions by the end of the year 1750, including: New France, Georgia, Leeward Islands, Ireland, Gibraltar, Florida, Hindustan, Scotland, and England.

Long Campaign

Capture and hold 35 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: New France, Georgia, Leeward Islands, Ireland, Gibraltar, Florida, Hindustan, Scotland, England, Egypt, Malta, Bijapur, and Bengal.

World Domination

Capture and hold 50 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: England.


Great Britain fields a typical European army, similar to that of the surrounding states. The country's army consists of units such as line infantry, light infantry, hussars, militia and several standard artillery units. Later on, Great Britain gets access to other units such as guards and household cavalry. The British army is generally well-trained and powerful. One example would be the kingdom's line infantry, which reloads faster and has both better morale and better defense statistics than than most others.

Great Britain's navy is nothing special and consists of the standard lineup which most other factions share. The British fleet includes trade ships, weaker ones such as brigs and sloops but also strong first and second rate frigates. However Britians proximity to ports and generally strong economy allows it to produce numerous high-qualitiy ships, giving it a distnict advantage.

Special Units

Great Britain has the largest amount of unique units out of all the game's factions factions. The British can train a multitude of special units such as Roger's Rangers, The Black Watch, The Coldstream Guards, and Ferguson's Riflemen, which have a unit limit. While Britain's unique units have their own textures and models, their statistics are comparable to those of standard, normal units which are available to other factions, mainly in order to avoid imbalancing the gameplay. Some of them have special advantages however. For example, Ferguson's Riflemen fire faster thanks to their repeating rifles, and the presence of the elite Black Watch will increase the morale of nearby units.

Empire: Total War | Factions | Playable Factions:
Austria | France | Great Britain | Marathas | Ottoman Empire | Poland-Lithuania | Prussia | Russia | Spain | Sweden | United Provinces | United States* *Must complete Road to Independence to unlock United States
Non-playable Factions:
Barbary States | Bavaria | Cherokee Nations | Courland | Crimean Khanate | Dagestan | Denmark | Genoa | Georgia | Hannover | Huron Confederacy | Inuit Nations | Iroquois Confederacy | Italian States | Knights of St. John | Morocco | Mughal Empire | Mysore | Plains Nations | Portugal | Pueblo Nations | Persia | Pirates | Savoy | Venice | Westphalia | Wurttemberg
Protectorate Factions:
Barbary States | Courland | Crimean Khanate | Louisiana | New Spain | Saxony | Thirteen Colonies
Emergent Factions:
Afghanistan | Gran Colombia | Greece | Hessen | Hungary | Ireland | Mamelukes | Mexico | Naples & Sicily | Norway | Punjab | Quebec | Scotland | United States
Cancelled Factions:
Khanate of Khiva | Tuscany | Mecklenburg | Schleswig-Holstein | Swiss Confederation
Tutorial Factions:
Virginia Colonists | Powahatan Confederacy
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