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The Consul is the manager of the Curia assigned by the Hexagon Council. This figure aids in administrative matters such as votes, maintaining information in the Curia, and prodding the administration when their involvement is needed. The Consul acts as a local moderator, but cannot give infractions through this capacity. They may be assisted by other appointed local moderators with the same or more specific jurisdiction, and are considered the lead of any such local moderators that exist. The Moderation Staff may involve itself in emergencies (ie posting porn) or situations such as spambot posting, though the Consul may still act as first responder to delete the offending content.

It is possible for the Consul to resign, or be replaced if the Curia expresses severe displeasure with the current Consul's handling of affairs, or be replaced if they go inactive for a prolonged period.

A Consul can always be recognized by their bold purple usernames and the badge they wear:

Troy Consul.png


The first Curator/Consul to take office was Kazak borispavlovgrozny, a member of the Original Triumvirate. The position remained extremely powerful for some time, with the then-named Consul gaining an elected seat in 2005 held by Justinian. The Consul generally appointed a Pro-Consul to oversee most of the standard tasks of the Consul. Eventually the Consul became defunct as an elected administrative position was moved to the much less influential Speaker of the House role. The Curator position was a strict manager of Curia affairs. The responsibilities and powers of the Curator (eventually renamed Consul) changed little ever since.

The longest serving Curator (before the name change) was General Brewster, who served 15 months spanning 4 terms and received the Curial Service award for his trouble. Some of his close successors would be long term as well, with Hader and King Athelstan serving three term periods. Hader's election came just after the proposition and passage of major reforms he penned and successfully passed.

In April 2024, the position of Consul was overhauled along with the rest of the Curia to be a simple appointed position to oversee simplified Curial affairs.

Current Consul

The current Consul is Flinn.

Past Curators & Consuls

Past Pro-Curators

See Also

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